maanantai 29. elokuuta 2016

Prikka's diary: Me returning to UK

My 2600 km journey, including spending 13 hours in three ferries, started Tuesday afternoon from Jyväskylä. At six o'clock we had a tiny outing in Aura an hour before Turku, our destination. Unluckily my folks did not stop by the Castle of Turku before hurrying to harbour, I would have preferred the walks on the lawn instead the tarmac! What a wasted hour, anyway we had to be there an hour, now it was two! Well the pic tells, I quite did not like the 10 hour ferry journey. At least we had a nice cabin where as we had to stay in the car for the rest of the ferries. In the picture we are somewhere close to Lidingö when arriving to Stockholm.

Helsingbor center in front of the castle

The castle

Helsingbor from the castle, on the sea there is a ferry coming from Helsingor

In Stockholm we got out of the harbour 6:30. Then we drove on hour to see something green around us. We finally stopped on the lawns of of a sport center (I definetly could not use the rest room in the ferry, neither do anything in the tarmac in the harbour), we had a nice walk around the sport field and got our lunch, too). Then we just drove through Sweden with couple of lousy stops on our way, one a clock we reached Helsingborg, some of us had their lunch (some of us not) and a nice tour around the castle etc before taking the ferry to Helsingor. We just got to the harbour and ferry left in four minutes!

Finally by the sea at our camping

In the morning at Vicaer Camping


After crossing the sea between Sweden and Denmark we just headed (with one tiny stop) for our destination to southern Jutland. The traffic around Copenhagen slowed down our arrival an hour, so we were in the Vikær Strand Camping around seven o'clock, anyway more than hour to walk on the beach in the daylight, well deserved after 12 hours in the car. Here we rested one whole day by visiting the real Atlantic in Römö, on the western side of Jutland. Huge, huge, enormous beaches kilometres long and wide!
Leaving Denmark camping

The bridge between Sjelland and Fyn 

In Calais 

Next morning the journey continued again at six o'clock. Another day with temperatures above 30, kind of hot outside the car, so nothing but crazy driving through Germany, Netherlands, Belgium to Calais. There we were twelve hours later and had a stupid walk around the harbour area. For the first time of my life I got a sad glance of refugee life seeing the huge camp outside the harbour and the harbour was thoroughly fenced. Again two hours in the harbour before the ferry left for England. There were lots of dogs by the way. All the cars with the dogs were on the same lane/line.
Arrived to UK after sunset, 8:30, so we did not enjoy the walk by the white cliffs, instead on the dark countryside a little bit further from the Dover. Luckily, no interruptions on our way to Cambridge, we passed London smoothly and were by our new house at eleven o'clock. Finally, 17 hours in the car is a LOT!

We are now living in the black buildings by the church.

My new home until mid December
Sometimes you just enjoy the running and freedom more than usually.

New familiar scene, Jinga and me on the other side of the church next to us.

The closest sheep live behind the houses just across the street 

The cup of tea house, where the missus was offered nice cup of tea on her last stay, now it is just around the corner.

I guess I am going to enjoy my life in here!
If you are interested in seeing some more pictures from our journey or our new surroundings
just click the FB links.

lauantai 20. elokuuta 2016

Our extended summer

It is been party time lately.  During the week the most active training friends from our "Wednesday group" came over. We did a little bit of baby obedience, all of us did three movements which the handler had chosen. We noticed that we should do this kind of training much more often, the dogs (and the handlers, too) reacted on the judge/steward. Also, the dogs where not used to do movements in a row. In some point a month ago, I thought that from now on I will always ask someone to look after us when training with others. Unfortunately, did not do so, neither encourage anybody else to do it.  Just being fifteen minutes under someones eyes would do so much good and it is not much taken from the time of my own training when observing or stewarding for the training partners. At least we had progressed with the stays, all the dogs waited nicely for their turns going down or getting up and had nice stays. It was so nice to have ten social and well behaving dogs all around the garden. I was so happy when no-one needed to hurry home, we sat a long evening around the table and ate well on a beautiful warm summer evening. During the weekend we had another kind of party but that did not include the doggies. 

It has been raining somewhat lately, that means there are lots of mushrooms in the forest. And finally Prikka has learned to look for those. Two weeks ago my friend said that she is pointing out the mushrooms. But at that time she was only pointing them after someone had found them first, she just arrived when the finding job had been done. I did not reward her anymore for pointing out the ones we had already found. This helped - this week she has been finding them all by herself, she walks and sniffs and when she finds something she stays and looks at me and on the ground!

Prikka was privileged this week, she was the only one whom I took along when visiting grandma, a long whole day journey, including one hour of walking in the rain in the morning and in the evening. The pic above is when we had arrived to Jyväskylä. Then she was pretty tired when we got home.

On our way to Helsinki (the other party) we admired strange, heavy formation of clouds low on the sky. The picture does not give credit to the phenomena.

Beautiful Saturday morning in Rastila, Helsinki

Not doggy sports - my kennel boy ready for 66 km of cycling. 

While kennel boy was racing with his bike we did get these nice summer shots. We had a nice walk in Iitti and of course trained obedience, too. When I thought to take the dogs for the second round (after my cup of coffee), they preferred to stay and lay under the car since it was so hot-

It has been a busy summer this far and what is really nice, we are going to have an extension for our summer. Lots of new experiences and some familiar scenes are waiting for us, so exciting, so fun!

April 2011, coming from Wimpole, heading for Cambridge and home

August 2016, something "new" waiting for us for the rest of the year.

perjantai 12. elokuuta 2016

Täydellinen treeniviikko

Ollaan lomailtu kyllä niin urakalla tänä kesänä, ettei olla päästy säännöllisten treenien makuun. Asia korjaantui tällä viikolla, tosi tehokas ja hyvän mielen treeniviikko takana. Tällaisia viikkoja, kun saisi enemmän, niin saattaisi jotain edistystä tapahtua. Tosin viikonloppu meni mukavasti vähän muissa hommissa, monta hienoa sienikävelyä, uimista ja erinomaiset jäljen ajot kummallakin mustavalkoisella. Lauantain sienestäjät kuvassa yllä. Sunnuntaina sain aikaiseksi tehdä kummallekin jäljet, kumpikin nosti jäljen loistavasti, Prikka mökkitieltä. Kumpikin löysi neljä keppiä viidestä, jäi kyllä niin naama messingillä olo tyttöin työskentelystä. Yksi viikonlopun success oli Prikan uimamaisteroituminen. Perjantain lelupäivästä oppia ottaneena päästin kaikki uimaan mutta pariin otteeseen jätin vanhemmat tytöt rannalle ja niin vaan makeasti Prikka hyppi laiturilta ja nouti vedestä.

Raati valitsemassa parasta vesilelua

Majakka on pop ja kestävä

Pihaleluleikin voittaja oli voittaja myös ranteleluskabassa.

Jinga palaa aika usein kaksi lelua suussaan, jos ei nuo muut pidä puoltaan.

Viikolla keskityimme tokoon aikalailla, saatiin treenata kaveriseurassa neljänä iltana. Viikon teemana oli aika lailla paikkikset, eteenlähetykset ja tottismaiset noudot ja luoksarit. Hyviä vinkkejä ja muistutuksia saatiin melkeinpä päivittäin. Viikon paras juttu taisi olla Jingan tämän päiväinen tunnari. Kauniisti löysi heinikosta omansa ja palautti sen ilman minkäänlaista mälvimistä. Ihan kuin meidän pitotreeneistä olisi ollut hyötyä, kyllä taas hymyilyttää.

Pitkän tauon jälkeen keskiviikon Köhniötreeneissä

Syksyn tuntua alkaa olla - hieman haikeata, kuvan valkeat pisteet ovat haikaroita, jotka pitkään poseerasivat mökin rantakaislikossa